Monsieur Steve Store
Conocerle ha sido una casualidad..y es que a veces el destino te lleva a sitios insospechados de los que no quieres salir.
Por supuesto, quiero unaaaaaaa!! o dos!!! o todas!! es imposible decidirse entre todos los modelos que vende online este francés descarado y caprichoso.
Ah Sí!! para las que me preguntáis en Facebook, sí , creo que envían a España y que los gastos de envío son unos 6€. Interesante, ¿¿¿verdad??? Con cual os quedáis??
Today I want to talk about Monsieur Steve, irreverent man has revolutionized the fashion world, and incidentally of my wishlist …
Know you have been a fluke .. and is that sometimes fate takes you to unexpected places of those who do not want to leave.
I love their cheeky messages that transform fashion in almost an insult. And it’s so funny. Sweatshirts, accessories and …Yes! Tshirts!! are disturbingly attractive for a fashion lover.
Of course, I want one!! or two! or all! is impossible to decide between all the models it sells online this French cheeky and whimsical.
Oh Yes! for those who ask me on Facebook, yes, I think they send to Spain and shipping costs are about 6 €. Interesting, ¿right??? which would you choose??
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Los mejores looks con poncho